20th December 2017
Dear partners,
dear friends and readers,
During the past few weeks, we locally have done everything with the Extrem Events team and with our partners in Germany to achieve the expedition´s set goals; …and much we have achieved.Although we are also proud of what we have achieved, we are at first grateful. Grateful for many special moments with special people, grateful for the opportunity for moving limits, and above all grateful for the integrity of the operations team.
Together with all project partners and you, who accompanied us as a reader, we could erect the highest mountain shelter in the world at 6,100m, we installed in total two mountain shelters, we achieved our goal of improving the safety at the Ojos del Salado for many years without negatively affecting nature, and have bestowed honor to two exceptional people: Chris Bailey and Paul Warren.
Both men, severely wounded during missions for others, have done an extraordinary job on behalf of all physically disabled and those with handicaps, and enriched our team in a very special way. During the last few weeks, both have surpassed oneself. And they set significant signs for overcoming handicaps, for friendship, for fairness and team spirit. Both have shown that handicaps in our society are not synonymous for exclusion.
We thank both for many unforgettable team moments.
Because after the incidents of 09.12.2017 I decided to leave the mountain for now, this report will be my last for the moment, which I´m sending from Chile.
Personally, it was a special honor for me to lead this expedition to this point. I thank all team members for an intense and impressive time together. Special thanks go to Michael Bosetti, Andrea Strauss, Wolfgang Weigl, Chris Bailey, Paul Warren, Daniel Alfaro, Claudio Echegay, Mauricio Gomez, Florian Weigl, Frank and Bianca Tschuschke and Axel Bierbaum.
We would also like to thank all of you who have been feverish with us, accompanied us as partners, as friends and as readers. It was both, a motivation and an honor for us to were accompanied by you.
On 12.12.2017 we went back from a stormy and snowy Ojos del Salado. At first to Copipao and then on 17.12. from Copiapo we returned to Santiago de Chile.
With the best thanks and the best greetings from the whole team,
Matthias Jeschke
15th December 2017
Video - Building Refugio Apacheta
Video - Crossing Penitentes
9th December 2017
High Camp Atacama.
Dear partners,dear friends and readers,
Here is just a short intermediate:
The 09.12.2017 was another extremely hard day for the whole team here in Chile.
After leaving High Camp Atacama at 04.00 in the morning, we had to return to the Atacama altitude camp after 20 hours of hardest work at an altitude of 6,000 meters.Countless obstacles and difficulties demanded every one of us to do our bit - some of us to the point of total exhaustion.
A great team effort, with whom I pay the utmost respect. Everyone was there for everyone again and confessed for the other.
Best wishes from the whole team .... from an extremely stormy and snow-stormed Ojos del Salado, Matthias Jeschke
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8th December 2017
Second rescue hut “Refugio Apacheta” built in High Camp Atacama.
Dear Partners, dear Friends and readers,In the morning of the 06.11.2017 we unfortunately were not able to move up through the rock channel a second time due to several events, but had to turn around and go back to Atacama. This was difficult for us on the one hand, but on the other hand it was the base for a good decision regarding the second rescue hut.
The camp provides enough space for 40 or more mountaineers, but the rescue hut is at its limit. Having been constructed in 1982, it has come to ages and seems to be falling apart in the near future. Being repaired with unfit means from time to time, it withstands the tough conditions up here for the time being.
After thinking over the situation and talking with the team and many other mountaineers around in Atacama camp, I decided, to have the second rescue hut built here in High Camp Atacama. It will be needed here as much as further up on the mountain. Together with the rescue hut “Refugio Amistad” higher up there is a new quality in mountain security on the Ojos del Salado.
Based on this decision, we yesterday and today setup this rescue hut with the help of many chilean mountaineers. Now it’s ready and carries the name “Refugio Apacheta”. My old Chilean buddy Daniel Alfaro had proposed that name, based on a many centuries old ceremony, that people in the Andes celebrate to the honour of the mountains. The finished hut has caused lots of applause and also the “Refugio Amistad” has found excellent acceptance already.
Both huts will for sure play an important role in the secure ascent and descent on the Ojos del Salado in the years to come.
Best wishes form the whole team, Matthias Jeschke
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5th December 2017
Preparing for the next days in over 6100m altitude
Dear partners, friends and readers,on 03.12.2017 we left Copiapó in the morning and reached the high camp Atacama in 5200 m altitude after 8.5 hrs without any problems.
The 04.12. we again used for unloading / loading and the final preparation of the Rheinmetall MAN HX 58 truck for the second ascent on 06.12.2017.
Today, 05.12. was a day to rest and for personal preparation for the days to come, which we will spend in altitudes above the “Refugio Amistad”, in heights over 6100 m.
A lot of other mountaineering groups have reached Atacama yesterday and today, so that now about 40 mountaineers are crowding the camp. If we would cash in for every picture taken of our Rheinmetall MAN HX58 Expedition truck, we would have quite a lot of money additionally in our expedition purse.
What is the plan for the days to come?
In the early hours of 06.12.2017 we first of all will try to drive the rock channel for the second time. The 6x6 HX 58 this time has to carry about 2.5 tons of load more than last time. Besides the parts of the second rescue hut we need more spare tires, water, food, and the complete equipment for a high camp like tents, kitchen etc.
This is necessary, as we will install our high camp 4 in a distance of 4 to 5 km away from high camp Tejos in a height of 6200 to 6300 m for 5 to 8 days.
From there we will start our attempts to drive up the volcano slopes much higher and to install the second rescue hut. Everything must be packed in a way, that we can install the High Camp 4 without having to move the parts of the rescue hut, the spare tires or other things we need later. During the following days we will try to keep you informed with short messages and let’s hope that the strong icy wind will calm down.
You may cross fingers that well find a way across the two rock ridges after “Rifugio Amistad”, and subsequently through huge penitents ice fields and glaciers. This will be extremely hard days for all crew members.
Finally I invite readers, who cannot imagine the conditions up here, to a 48 hrs self test as follows, which of course may be extended by several days or weeks:
- Sleep with a friend or with friends in a tent in the open air at minus 25 deg. Celsius.
- If you have to use the toilet, do that only at strong winds and only in the open air.
- Try to get disturbed all the time during your sleep, find only short periods of sleep, so that in the morning you do not feel fresh at all.
- During all the time keep a mask on your face to restrict air supply for breathing.
- Make sure that you restrict air supply all the time to simulate only 50 % oxygen supply to your body.
- During daytime you have to always carry a 20 to 25 kg backpack.
- Do hikes on extreme steep slopes on both days for several hours.
- Put a couple of shovels of sand into your tent, sleeping bag and clothes to simulate desert feeling and create tension and un-wellness.
- Still have good talks within your group.
- Make sure that nobody finds out about your bad mood or temper.
- Make sure you have some ice and snow in your tent and that there is a strong wind, while you dress in the morning.
- Don’t start a fight, even if you have a lot of reasons.
- Once you have spent a few days like that, then try to set up a rescue shelter for 12 persons in a difficult area together with the friends, who also have done this self-test.
- Don’t forget to install a wind machine, which blows ice and sandy wind in the direction of the place, where the hut is being installed.
This could be continued almost indefinitely. I wish you lots of fun while trying!
Best wishes from the complete team,
Matthias Jeschke
![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_17_12_05_01.jpg)
4th December 2017
Video - Successful crossing of the rock channel
The team used its break in Copiapó again to submit video material. On 28th November 2017 in the early morning the expedition team managed to pass the rock channel (rock furrow) towards the assembly place for the first rescue hut at 6,100 m. The HX 6x6 truck made its way through sandy, rocky and icy underground, with gradients up to 100%.1st December 2017
Resupply in Copiapó
After our return late in the evening of 29.11. to the High Camp Atacama, we yesterday (30.11.) started in the afternoon the intermediate return to Copiapo. It´s necessary to replenish our supplies and carry out some further organizational work.Expected in 2 days - on 03.12.2017 - we will start again to Ojos.
29th November 2017
"Refuge of friendship" at 6100m
W 68° 32.699 S 27° 5.665
Dear partners, dear friends and readers,It is the only connection to the world for many who participate in extraordinary operations - as well as for us: Top equipped by Panasonic we stay with you in contact by 3 extremely powerful Panasonic Toughbooks (CF33, CF20 and CF54) as well as a Toughpad FZ-G1 via satellite. And today we can send you good news. We have reached the first big destination of the expedition in the last two days:
The construction of a refuge at 6,100m altitude - the highest rescue hut in our knowledge on earth. Thanks to all partners who made that target possible!
The Panasonic Toughbooks and Thoughpads defy the vagaries of the extreme high-altitude expedition as well as the mission team. Coldness - in our case down to -25 ° C - wind, fine sand and the differences of barometric pressure are not only an enormous burden for the human body. Standard laptops and tablets usually put out of action. Not so with our equipment. Powerful and reliable, our Though devices have been used several times a day on our expeditions for many years. And it takes no difference, if we are writing or sending daily reports, collecting, backing up and editing video and image data or use them for off-road navigation.
Basis of our good news today is the early morning of 28.11.: A spectacular drive with the Rheinmetall MAN Truck HX58 through the rock channel, which had previously been freed from ice and rocks for several days. Unbelievable, what our truck has done full loaded with expedition equipment, spare tires, drinking water and of course the rescue hut. Especially because the pitch is locally 100% on sandy, rocky and icy ground. Supported by Alliance tires, which clawed in and over the rocks with 1.0 bar air pressure.
It was about 11 o'clock in the morning, when we reached with our truck the immediate proximity of the previously selected hut place in 6.100m. But just before the breakthrough to the small plateau two huge rocks as well as a large penitentiary field prevented the approach to the construction site. So after unloading we had still to carry over an intermediate hill all the rescue hut components, the tools needed, the entire expedition equipment and everything we needed for our two-day stay at altitude. A difficult and exhausting endeavor.
The enormous effort required to perform this work at 6,100m is difficult to grasp and describe. To the enormous efforts came a steady, icy, all grueling wind and tons of sand in the air. Either the sand flew into our mouth and our nose when we did not wear a face mask. Or in the eye, even if only a small gap between goggles and face was open. Then it was time again to flush eyes with water and hope that it does not happen again so quickly.
The entire team has solved this great task with a unity and a bravado that is rare to find. Strong willed and always there for each other, everyone has given everything for the other to build the rescue hut in two days.
All together we gave the refuge the Spanish name: "Refugio Amistad" – “Refuge of friendship". It was built by a deployment team of 5 nations that became international friends over the past hard weeks.
Best regards from the entire team, Matthias Jeschke
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28th November 2017
Rock channel cleared
Another emergency call
Dear partners, dear friends and readers,this is only a short summary of the last two days, as we have to get up on 28.11.2017 at 4 am. After a quick breakfast the whole team will take off for presumably two days to an altitude of about 6.150 m.
On 26.11. almost all of us had to continue work in an altitude of about 6.000 m in the rock channel. It was an extremely tough 8 hrs lasting task, which forced everyons to the limit, especially when digging out and de-icing big rocks, which were blocking the planned path of the truck. At the evening, the most difficult part of the rock channel was cleared, and we now can start the first attempt to drive up the rock channel.
Today, 27.11. first of all was packed with preparations, loading and organizing personal items, when in the early afternoon another emergency call reached us.
A team of 5 russian mountaineers in a 4x4 pickup truck had passed through the Atacama camp trying to reach the Tejos high camp. They did not stop to ask for the conditions ahead, so they did not know about sand fields and penitents ice fields ahead.
The irresposible driver anyways tried to cross a steep and narrow sandfield with the pick up truck packed with 5 people, where there was a steep slope on the right side going down for 150 m. He lost conrol over the car, which slid towards the slope and stoppend transversal to the track, short of a roll-over with one wheel in the air already.
With the HX 58 we rescued the car, which was virtually lost, and helped the people out of an extremely difficult situation.
Best regards from the whole team, Matthias Jeschke
26th November 2017
Clearing the rock channel
25th November 2017
Several incidents delay the expedition
Dear Partners, Friends and Readers,The 23.11.2017 was a difficult day for the whole team. Many things went wrong – again and again barriers and obstacles. From leaving Copiapó to arriving high camp Atacama it took completely 17 hours. A back-breaking drive.
It started with an unplanned delay of 1,5 hours from Copiapó to high camp Atacama. When we finally were on our way, after 150 km we had a blown tire on one of our escort vehicles. Additional came the added frustration that the spare tire was protected by a lock and the key was not with the car. So we had to take the spare tyre of the 2nd escort vehicle. And the drive could go ahead.
Today’s run of bad luck was only just beginning. Soon an accident destroyed one of our best film making cameras. A harsh loss felt by all.
Later, we parked the 40M 4x4 Rheinmetall MAN Truck according to plan at 4.500m in one of our camps. That one had done its job by carrying the refuge huts, water and spare tires up to 5.200m. Now the 40M is waiting as a Backup Truck on its position. Next, we lowered the pressure of the HX58´s tires from 3,5 to 1,5 bar, to best suit the sandy, rocky and unforgiving terrain ahead of us.
We continued our drive through some extremely stony terrain when unfortunately, we blew a second tyre on another escort vehicle… furthermore we also broke a steering arm on this same vehicle. Not a good run and by this point the team were tired, cold, hungry and frustrated.
During the subsequent towing of this vehicle the tow strap broke a total of 4 times because of sharp-edged stones. Something I never had experienced during all my years of expeditions.
Because of the advancing nightfall, sharp drop in temperature and the increasing fatigue of the team we made the decision to leave the car with the broken steering approx. 2 km outside of High camp Atacama. Just the most important equipment was loaded up and taken with us.
Fortunately for us we didn´t take down our tents at High Camp Atacama when we last left. Therefore, we could rebuild our camp within approx. 1 hour, while part of the team was preparing a warm meal in the camp´s shelter.
When we arrived at base camp Atacama we met a single mountaineer in the camp shelter. He was showing signs of altitude sickness but was waiting for his two teammates. His two teammates were the night before heading for the summit and were expected to be back at camp Atacama that afternoon. They knew about their left-behind teammate and that he was showing signs of a high altitude edema, that he was feeling sick and had to go down.
Overall that day was a sobering day, which sapped our just won back energy. The 24.11. 2017 was at least before noon necessary to get over the day before – after all we did a jump in altitude from 400m up to 4.800m the day before. Those indivuals of the team, who felt strong enough, began with preparations for the first transport of one of the rescue huts. Therefore the HX58 had to be unload and converted.
Unfortunately, the situation about the single mountaineer didn´t get better, it got more worse. It was necessary for him to leave the high camp Atacama, especially considering that his teammates didn´t return to the camp. And they also had no mediums of communication with them.
Close to noon the ailing mountaineer decided to leave the camp by car with the complete equipment of his group. He wanted to search for a medical service for himself and to file a missing persons’ report for the two teammates. Because the two missing mountaineers were 24 hours behind time, we came to the decision, to begin to search for them. The route the two mountaineers had wanted to take we approximately knew.
In this way we interrupted our preparations and a 7 men posse of searchers on the HX58 set off on Fr., 24.11. at 14.30 h to high camp Tejos. We found the camp Tejos deserted but with a note from the two mountaineers. Afterwards we saw the two by binoculars, coming up to us. After we waited for them approx. 1,5 hours in an altitude of 5.900m, we took both with us on the truck – intact and totally tired. Back at high camp Atacama we supplied them a tent for the night, because their teammate took the whole equipment with him.
Finally, the planned recovery day had turned into an exhausting operation day with a six hours rescue action. Annoyingly above all was the disrespectful and irresponsible acting of those two mountaineers. Without any consideration for the third team member and his state of health they decided after their first failed summit attempt to try a second on the next day.
The team members of our expedition, which had stayed in the camp, rewarded us with an excellent meal in the evening: Fried potatoes, fresh salat and stewed apple. Today now, on 25.11.2017 a rescue team from Copiapó arrived at high camp Atacama, to pick up the two „missing” mountaineers.
For us next up on the agenda was the final loading of the HX58. We load one of the two refuge huts, a lot of tools and the needed equipment. Additionally, we refueled all vehicles and prepared a further escort vehicle.
Regrettably today the effort of oxygen was necessary for one of our team members. The oxygen was given for a couple of hours and it will also be needed this evening. In addition, we repaired in the late evening the damaged escort car by a lavishly action and brought it afterwards to the high camp Atacama. Even today hereby ends an eventful and energy-sapping day.
Tomorrow, 26.11.2017, it will be minimum exhausting like the days before: We will be hard at work for another day in the rock channel and try to remove more big rocks making the journey easier to our planned position of the 1st refuge hut.
Best regards from the whole team, excellently cohesive,
Matthias Jeschke
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23rd November 2017
On the way back to Ojos del Salado
In the early morning of today, 23.11.2017, we are on the way back to Ojos. Now things get serious. The biggest challenge’s hope that we are strong enough as a team and stand up for each other, so that we can handle the tasks ahead of us.22nd November 2017
Drive to the High Camp 1 Atacama
17th – 20th November 2017
Rescue-hut elements unloaded.
Resting days at Copiapó.
Dear partners, dear friends and readers,the Ojos del Salado is and remains dangerous and underrated.
On 17.11. we received the news that a Polish mountaineer, who lost his life at Ojos a few weeks ago at 6,400m, could now be rescued by a special department of the Chilean police.
We knew the tragedy since the dead mountaineer was discovered several weeks ago, because we had been asked if we could help with the recovery of the body. We had agreed, but had to wait for our full acclimatization. Meanwhile, the Chilean police had assembled a selection of eleven rescuers from different parts of Chile, doing a very good job of salvaging and retrieving the corpse. We deeply regret the death of the man who had attempted an individual ascent and hope once again that our project can help to avoid or at least reduce tragedies of this kind in the future.
Back to the expedition:
That even in our team the hardships take their toll, is shown by the fact that in the afternoon of 16.11. two team members, medically indicated with signs of exhaustion, had to be brought from the High Camp Atacama to the approximately 4,800 m lower home base of our expedition Copiapó. Both are well on their way again and will be climbing again with the rest of the team soon. Currently the whole team is in Copiapó - but let’s start from the beginning.
For those who are currently not at such an unhospitable place on earth, it is difficult to imagine, what power it takes, at 9 Bft / storm with wind speeds up to 90 km / h and tons of finest powder sand in the air and at icy temperatures, to unload a truck at a height of 5.200m. But this is exactly what the team had to do in the past few days, besides their main job in the rock channel.
On 17.- 18.11. we continued working on one of the key points in 6,000 m altitude, to free the rock-channel of snow, ice and large boulders. Then it was necessary to unload the individual components of the massive wood protection huts from the 40M - our 4x4 Rheinmetall MAN Truck - and prepare for later assembly in over 6,000m. The 40M had to carry the two shelters, spare tires and a 1,000 liter fresh water tank to the High Camp 1 - Atacama at more than 5,200m.
In the process, the storm drove the fine sand into our faces through all masking - and through our clothes down to the smallest pores. In addition, the cold crawled into our bones, despite all physical exertion. One had to shout commands into the wind, to be understood at all under the necessary covering of head and face. What an experience on top of the general breathlessness.
After we had unloaded the rescue-hut elements with a total weight of several 100 kgs for further processing, which will be later transported to about 6,100 m, on 19.11.2017 all team members were moved back the long way to Copiapó, to replenish our supplies of food, water etc. and to do some further organizational work. Everyone of course in the team was looking forward to a shower, the comfort of a solid bed and to already the second, small birthday party of a team member.
Best regards from the whole team, Matthias Jeschke
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![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_17_11_18_07.jpg)
16th November 2017
Preparations for the passing in an altitude of 6000 masl
Dear partners, dear friends and readers,After a primary cold night at Atacama a scout team went up to 6.200 masl on 15th of November. The targets of that exploration tour were:
- Scouting and definition of possible routes to drive on with our trucks in the rock channel
- Assessment of the plateau between
- Defining the place where to build the first shelter
- Assessment of the high plateau for defining the further route to drive above 6200 masl
In the evening, after 8 hours, the scout team returned safely to high camp Atacama. Here the left team members had stayed and went on practicing their acclimatization training.
Today, 16th of November, a first work team was climbed up. That team consisted of 7 men and 1 woman. And it performed in an altitude of 6000 masl preparations for the passing of the trucks. These preparations of the route will take several days. They are necessary because we discovered big fields of ice, which we need to cross in some parts. By ice and sand erosion nature has pushed big rocks into a possible route to drive.
The passage between 5900 masl and 6150 masl is going to be an extremely difficult access for the trucks. But it´s indispensable for achieving higher altitudes.
It means a huge effort to remove boulders, weighting partly several hundreds of kilos, and to create a path to drive on through one meter thick and up to two-meter-high penitents.
But it´s not only the hard work which gives the team a hard time. In general, the very strong wind, the allover blowing sand, the coldness, and the altitude are stretching each team member to the limit. To be in place here means a huge challenge for everybody.
And much harder that challenge must be for our both veterans. We are paying them greatest respect for overcome their injuries and their on-going fight.
The whole team is sending kind regards.
Matthias Jeschke
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![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_17_11_16_02.jpg)
14th November 2017
High Camp 1 "Atacama" at 5300m
Dear Partners, dear friends and readers,today we made it again: after a difficult drive the whole team has reached highcamp atacama (HC1). While icy wind we built up our camp once more. The extreme fine sand creeps everywhere into: every pore, ear, nose, tent, sleeping bag, and so on. Temperature outside at sunset: 4°C.
The team is sending kind regards.
Matthias Jeschke
![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_17_11_14_01.jpg)
![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_17_11_14_02.jpg)
12th November 2017
Part of the team is exploring the route to High Camp 2 at an altitude of over 6000m
![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_17_11_12_03.jpg)
11th November 2017
Testdrive to High Camp 1 "Atacama" to an altitude of 5300m
Dear partners, friends and readers,
the team was in very good shape, so that it was able to use the 11.11. as a day to rest (no hikes) and prepare a testdrive to an altitude of 5300 m. All vehicles were checked again, partially unloaded, or load was shifted to other vehicles. Refuelling was necessary and the tyre pressure of the Amaroks was reduced to 1.5 bar, of the trucks to 2.5 bar.
In parallel Wolfgang Weigl gave his first lesson in building the rescue huts, which lasted on hour, so that the team is well instructed, when the real set up will take place. These kind of lessons will be repeated twice. Yesterday at 08:00 hrs the team started for a scouttour from the basecamp at Laguna Verde, driving up to the HC1 Atacama, which we reached after a difficult driving experience at 14:00 hrs.
Numerous penitents ice fields blocked our way and we had to find our way around them, sometimes leading through glacier riverbeds. Directly after reaching the Atacama camp, we split up into 3 groups: one part of the team absolved an acclimatization training at Highcamp HC1 level another part of the team absolved an acclimatization training by hiking up a hill to approximately 5.350 m twice.
The third part joined me driving up to 5.950 m and climbed to more than 6.000 m, to check the conditions at Highcamp HC2 and the surroundings. After an exhausting 16 hours day in high altitude we brought back infos about very difficult ice and snow conditions above HC2. These will cause a lot of preparation work in the rocky path ahead.
Best regards.
Matthias Jeschke
![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_17_11_12_02.jpg)
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![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_17_11_12_05.jpg)
10. November 2017
Successfully moved to the next level of altitude: 4300m
Basecamp Laguna Verde
Dear partners, friends and readers,
After a cold night, on Wednesday, the 08. Nov.2017 the team was split in two groups. The reason was that some team members still showed significant signs of high altitude sickness. This group stayed in the camp to absolve a light adaptation training, while the other group was trekking for 5 hours up to an altitude of 4.200m.
All by high altitude sickness affected team members showed no symptoms any more on November 09, 2017 and all members showed a blood oxygen saturation of 94 to 96 %. Thus, we were able to move from 3800 m to the next level of altitude in 4300 m: the basecamp at Laguna Verde. It takes its time to disassemble a complete outdoor camp for 14 persons, consisting of small tents, a team tent, toilet etc., loading it onto trucks and rebuilding it at the next destination. We actually need 5 hours for the two procedures, everyone is giving a hand. All members help each other to optimize the process. This deserves a TOP* classification for the team.
All this takes so much more power and effort in comparison to normal altitudes. Trying to walk to the toilet at normal speed would result in running out of air after 10 steps. Considering this, one can imagine what an effort it is taking down tents, loading boxes, securing load on the trucks, venting diesel barrels, climbing up and down on trucks 20 times etc. Sometimes it just makes you dizzy getting up from a sitting position. Even just getting into the truck cabin without strong wind is exhausting.
Considering quite normal things like going to the toilet, one should not forget that at such high consumption of drinking water, this takes place almost on an hourly base, at night very frequently 4 or 5 times. At actual night temperatures of -5° to -7° C the air humidity is condensing and freezing on the inside of the tent, which generates snowfall on sleeping bags and air mattresses, when opening the tent. It’s not much fun!
Besides organizing things in the camp, today the team took a tree hours acclimatization hike.
Kind regards.
Matthias Jeschke
![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_17_11_10_06.jpg)
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![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_17_11_10_02.jpg)
08th November 2017
High-altitude acclimatization process started
At this moment we are about 200 km east of Copiapó at a height of 3800 m above sea level and have started the high-altitude acclimatization process for the team.
This means to prepare and adapt the bodies for the coming altitudes of more than 6000 m above sea level. Yesterday we already took a hike of several hours from our Camp in Juntas Las Vegas at about 3000 m above sea level. Moving in this altitude, combined with drinking at least 3 to 4 liters per day is absolutely necessary for high altitude acclimatization, especially as it is one of the topics of the expedition, to reach the targets of the expedition without the use of additional oxygen systems.
Actually, the first couple of team members show the temporary symptoms of the adaptation of their bodies to high altitude life. That is e.g. headaches, weakness, stomach problems, tiredness and feeling extremely cold.
After about 1.5 years of planning and preparation the most exciting and also most exhausting phase of the project has begun.
I and all involved persons send our cordial thank you to all partners for the extraordinary good and trustful cooperation in all aspects of the expedition.
We will be back shortly with the next update, but first we have to reach the next level of height of 4300 m above sea level on November 09, the base camp Laguna Verde.
Kind regards from the team and myself.
Matthias Jeschke
![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_17_11_09_16.jpg)
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![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_17_11_09_06.jpg)
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![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_17_11_09_04.jpg)
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![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_17_11_09_01.jpg)
Jean Pierre Kraemer (PS Profis | JP Performance)
meets Matthias Jeschke (Extrem Events, Limburg) - PART II
Presentation of the expedition vehicles.
07th November 2017
Jean Pierre Kraemer (PS Profis | JP Performance)
meets Matthias Jeschke (Extrem Events, Limburg) - PART I
Presentation of the expedition vehicles.
06th November 2017
The Extrem Events team, consisting of 14 persons from 5 nations, started into the Atacama, the driest desert on the planet, with two Rheinmetall MAN Trucks and three accompanying vehicles (MAN TGM and VW Amaroks). In the days before we had picked up the expedition trucks from the San Antonio port and transferred them via Santiago further north into Chile to Copiapó, where the final loading took place.On board of our Top-of-the-line-trucks we have stowed lots of expedition equipment, Diesel, food and 1600 liters of drinking water.
Not only the trucks and accompanying vehicles are prepared at their best. Every team member is highly motivated and totally focused on the common success of the expedition. The care, respect and fairness for each other which developed among the team within the last days, can be felt by everyone and welds the team together.
![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_10_31_17_7.jpg)
05th November 2017
From Santiago to Copiapó
The trucks and the Team arrived in Chile. Last preparations are made and the trucks are being loaded with expedition equipment and sufficient fuel and food. The team is looking forward to start the expedition today from Copiapó. Here some first impressions:![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_10_31_17_3.jpg)
![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_10_31_17_2.jpg)
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![Rheinmetall MAN High Altitude Truck Expedition](../../rmhae/docs/High_Altitude_Truck_Expedition_10_31_17_5.jpg)
28th August 2017
On 25.08.2017 a photo shoot with both Rheinmetall MAN Trucks took place on the grounds of MAN Truck & Bus in Limburg and then in the Steinbruch of the Hartmann GmbH from Diez. In addition to great fun, this created great pictures.We would like to thank MAN Truck & Bus Limburg and Hartmann GmbH for the great support.